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COVID hype

The COVID “vaccine” is not a weakened virus that allows your body to create antibodies but rather a serum that modifies your body in a fashion that may help your body condition the preparation of anti-bodies. That is why you can still catch COVID after receiving COVID shots. The side effects and long-term effects of the serum and the bots are still being researched.

I am a Christian and will not take the shot under any circumstance. COVID has a 99% survival rate! I have been told about the sky is falling rhetoric for 60 years! Thermonuclear war, global cooling, an ice age, global warming, bird flu, etc. — none of which was true!

I believe that the government is full of Chicken Littles and deceitful liars that create more crisis and problems than they solve. Masks are a lame excuse to scare people as the virus is so small that a fabric mask is useless but allows mind and truth control of the masses for political power.

If it is your time to die, shot or no shot, mask or no mask, you will die! If not COVID then a heart attack, cancer, pneumonia, a car wreck, murder or some other thing will! Put your trust in God not some scientist or doctor that not long ago were still bleeding people! So why do you regard everything they say as fact and gospel?

Wake up America! Get informed and quit drinking the Fauci Kool-Aid.

Ken Withey

Blanchard, Idaho

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