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Mental health: a vital conversation

I hadn’t planned on writing a letter, this month, but Sophie Kuhn broached a vital subject (“Mental health awareness,” May 4). The future of our country heavily relies on the mental well-being of its citizens.

Her analysis was laser-sharp. However, she omitted some key factors. The brain is an organ. As such, it is subject to the same influences and stresses as the rest of the body.

Smoking, drinking and bad diet all lead to diminished capacity. So does lack of exercise. Go for walks. Sunlight contains negative ions which boost your mood. So do waterfalls and lakes. Fluorescent lights, on the other hand, produce positive ions which can dampen moods. So do television and computer screens.

One hundred years ago, the world was also experiencing a pandemic. They got over it, and so will we. You can gain mastery over depression. I did. Like any endeavor, it will require desire and discipline. Jesus is a prayer away. He has some mighty big shoulders on which to lean.

Douglas R. Benn


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