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A bad decision

Concerning the decision by both the Trump and Biden administrations to withdraw our troops from Afghanistan. The United States has occupied Afghanistan for 20 years and expended one trillion dollars in occupying that country, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of our military personnel and the wounding of thousands.

The Afghan military has proven incapable of standing up to the Taliban. Over the last 20 years the Taliban have controlled large areas of rural areas of Afghanistan while U.S. forces have controlled only the large cities. During the current withdrawal of U.S. forces, the Afghan militants have been bombing schools that educate girls, killing dozens. This is a portent of what will happen to the civilian population when the Taliban take back control of Afghanistan.

Does the above sound familiar? It should, very similar actions took place when the Soviet Union abandoned Afghanistan in the late 1980s. And when the U.S. abandoned South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in 1973.

The U.S. is abandoning Afghanistan and feeding them to the wolves. This not our greatest hour.

Mark Johnson

Nine Mile Falls

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