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Colleges and vaccines

Lately, the vaccine has been on all of our minds. Should I get it or not? Questions of this nature should only be answered by you. No one should get to tell you to get it or to not and they certainly shouldn’t be able to punish you for not doing it their way.

Recently, instances involving colleges either temporarily or even permanently suspending students from campus have occurred because of the students “noncompliance” with either the vaccines or other COVID regulations. These students were paying for their education, not for someone to tell them how to live their lives.

Some students who attended COVID-strict schools were “afraid to leave [their] room” and began to feel “suffocated” (Rathke and Thompson). Vaccines are now becoming mandatory at some colleges and it just doesn’t seem right.

Go and do your research and then decide what you want. If you want to get it then go ahead. If you don’t, then that’s great too. It’s just whatever floats your boat.

Alaina Koesel


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