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Letter speaks volumes

While (John) Weisenburger (“Democrats like Vestal are the problem,” May 13) has a perfect right to totally ignore and/or disbelieve the vast quantity of scientific evidence that has already accumulated regarding the efficacy and safety of our COVID vaccines from qualified sources such as the WHO and the FDA, to compare the reality of a viral pandemic to rheumatoid arthritis is bizarrely inappropriate. The former is a public health problem while the latter is a private discomfort. The choice to avoid treatment for the latter affects only the rheumatic sufferer while the choice to avoid treatment for the COVID virus potentially affects critically all those with whom he may come into contact.

Evidently he doesn’t understand that this is why societies require children to be vaccinated for smallpox, measles, etc.

Calling Vestal’s fact-based, socially responsible and urgent article on the subject “deranged” and “bigoted” only reflects on his own twisted mind.

Peter Grossman


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