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America, lead the way

As the death toll nears almost 200 with 70 of them being children, we are finally starting to see the horrifying scenes playing out in the Middle East.

Israeli airstrikes have toppled two of the tallest buildings in Gaza, one of which housed American journalists who barely managed to evacuate. In one instance Mohammed Hadidi, a father of 5, lost four children and his wife. His infant child who managed to survive the airstrikes lies in the hospital in critical condition. What did his children do? Did they launch rockets at the Israelis? For many of these families impacted by the deadly airstrikes sent out by the Israel Defense Forces there is no warning, no time to evacuate, run or take cover, there is just death.

Many people will state that the Palestinians launched rockets first, but this statement is just false. The rockets you see being fired from the Gaza Strip are those of Hamas, a militant group that the Palestinians themselves don’t support. In order to take out these militant groups the Israeli military has been launching rockets into civilian zones, murdering children, and claiming Hamas occupied the space.

Israel claims to have the most ethical army, but does any of this look like an ethical army? The deaths of countless innocents lie in the hands of the IDF. It is time to start questioning Israeli use of force. America needs to break the silence and hold Israel accountable for its apartheid against Palestinians.

Sidiq Moltafet


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