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What happened to us?

I remember – not so many years ago – when a handshake was enough to “seal the deal” and you could feel confident that the job would get done and would be done well. We were secure in the knowledge that the people we were dealing with were honest, truthful and had integrity. Their word was their bond.

Now – too often – even a signed contract may not be enough. Now, someone will say something one day and completely flip and say the complete opposite the next! What’s sad is that we are no longer surprised by that and all it gets is an eye-roll and choked laugh.

What’s even worse is that the rot begins at the top, and when our leaders do it, the standard is set. In fact, I recently read an article that said, “lying is protected speech, under the First Amendment” and while that may be true, who ever thought that someone would even ask that question?!

I remember telling my kids to always tell the truth because rebuilding trust takes a long, long time. So, what happens when everyone lies? Who do you trust? I promise to not lie to you, but then I’m not running for any office. If I do, I might have to tell a fib or two. Sorry.

Doug Kaer

Spokane Valley

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