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OK, I need to ask why some military personnel (and an amazing number of civilians) have issues with COVID-19 vaccinations.
Let’s relate this situation to a combat scenario: Your platoon leader orders you to knock out a machine gun nest. And you say, “YES, SIR!!” Then, with understandable trepidation, but no real hesitation, you act on that order.
Now, let me try to really understand this part. You’re ordered to get vaccinated. You respond, saying “No, sir! It might hurt me somehow! It’s my body, my choice!”
Really? I mean, REALLY???
Have all too many military personnel at all levels forgotten how to give/obey orders? And have all too many civilians/politicians forgotten how to act responsibly in our national interest?
It seems that today about half our population is acting like a willful child with a dental appointment, stomping their foot and whining to their parents “No, I don’t want to go … it might hurt. Waahh! (Sniffle)” The other half? Wringing their hands saying: “Goodness, what are we going to do now?”
Pathetic. Truly PATHETIC!!!
It’s a good thing our current population wasn’t present when Pearl Harbor was attacked. Today we’d be speaking Japanese on the West Coast, and Nazi-flavored German on the East Coast.
It’s no wonder the Russians and Chinese are kicking our collective behinds today; it seems all too likely they will be doing even more so in the future the way we are coming apart – or, more correctly, PARTING! — at the seams.
Donald O. Capstick