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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Unbiased journalism

Thank you to reporter Garrett Kabeza, for displaying integrity and the qualities of a true journalist, and for his unbiased article on Sept. 24, “Shoes, notes left outside Spokane Public Schools building in protest of state vaccine mandate.”

This is the type of journalism that the citizens of Spokane deserve, where fair and accurate reporting is on display. His article was informative and neutral, and he gave voice to the current issue of how the mandate is impacting educators within Spokane Public Schools.

Spokane voters have repeatedly shown how important education is and have repeatedly supported publicly funded education through voter approved tax increases. The public deserves to see how the mandate will impact students - SPS stands to lose many experienced and caring educators and staff, due to the mandate.

Thank you for giving voice to the Freedom Fridays Shoe Protest at SPS, which is a protest for medical freedom and a public request from educators that the current leadership in SPS take a stand on their behalf. Thank you for giving these educators a voice and for sharing this story with the public.

Heather Parish


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