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Demonized over liberty

I never thought the day would come where the ideals our country was founded upon — personal liberty — would be demonized. In looking at the United States as a whole, Washington state is one of seven states that requires masks for all citizens. Forty other states have no mask mandates, meaning that each individual has the CHOICE to wear a mask or not wear a mask. No one is restricting a person’s right to choose.

It’s shameful to see our small community dissolve into bitterness, fear-mongering and outright lies. In reviewing the candidates for CV school board, I am shocked at what is being said about a candidate that was chosen in the primary by those who are supporting a write-in candidate.

I fully support the right of those to do a write-in campaign; however, I do not support the outright lies about the other candidates. This has a name-slander — and our media are not doing their job of ferreting out the truth. Rumors and half-truths only lead to further division in our community. People are afraid to speak or support certain candidates for fear of backlash. This has to stop!

Before the November vote, I believe it is imperative that there should be an open forum where all candidates, write in and those officially on the ballot, be allowed to speak and discuss the issues and where they stand on each.

Shannon Castelda

Spokane Valley

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