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Retain Judge Antush

Retain Judge Matt Antush as municipal court judge. Having worked in the court system for over 10 years, I encountered many attorneys and judges, including both Matt and his opponent. Judge Antush is the most ethical, kind and fair person I was honored to meet. Having worked with both Judge Antush and his opponent, it is clear to me that Judge Antush is the best choice for Spokane.

I met Matt when he served as the public defender for the felony drug and mental health courts, of which I was the coordinator. I was impressed by his unwavering commitment to fair and equitable treatment, while working to support the safety of our community and participants’ success.

He has carried that commitment into his position as municipal court judge. I have observed him in the courtroom, and have heard from others, including interpreters, indigent citizens, BIPOC — all have noted his willingness to listen, consider both evidence and personal circumstances, and impose fair sentences while ensuring every person is treated honorably and respectfully.

Judge Antush has dedicated his career to creating effective programs that assist vulnerable people while keeping our community safe. His specific experiences are what make him exceptionally well qualified for serving on the bench. Matt’s years of varied legal experiences, intelligence and compassion far outweigh any of his opponent’s claims. He has done an outstanding job on the bench and has benefited our community in countless ways. Please join me in voting to retain Judge Matt Antush.

Sandra Altshuler


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