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Hard to find sympathy

Three people are unhappy about new housing being built, seven homes that could house 10-30 people. (“Development of lots near Underhill Park worries neighbors,” Oct. 8) Why do the NIMBY homeowners get a sympathetic fluff piece, and no sympathy is given to the people looking for housing?

Where was the outrage when the homes there on 10th Avenue were just built in 2007? Why were the porcupines and and woodpeckers not a concern for the neighbors then? Their concerns about the environment seem flimsy at best; their real concern is that they had free access to a massive piece of land, almost completely landlocked by their own properties free of charge.

Sam Mace summed up their real thoughts in a few succinct words. “This is not the place.” Of course we need housing, of course we need to improve things, just Not In My Back Yard.

Robert Woodworth


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