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I’ll stick with progress

In response to Jeff Reyburn’s letter (“Resist progressivism,” Oct. 13), I would suggest if Mr. Reyburn actually knew some progressives , he would not be so ill-informed.

His description of progressives as authoritarian better describes our past president’s authoritarian inclinations and idolizing of despots such as Putin. He blames progressives for the erosion of civil rights; however it was not progressives who have attempted to limit the right to vote in so many red states, it was Republicans.

Rising crime rates a progressive problem? Nope, that is because of the flooding of America with guns. Diminished international security? Nope, that is primarily due to ill-advised Republican wars. Economic insecurity, again not a progressive problem, but the result of Republican tax breaks for the rich which increased the national debt by eight trillion dollars.

Incompetent progressive leaders, Mr. Reyburn? President Trump was the most incompetent president in history. His bungling of the COVID pandemic caused the death of over 600,000 people.

I’ll stick with progressive ideals such as “All people are created equal” and “Self interest is for the past, common interest is for the future.”

David Randall


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