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The anger’s source

“Where that hostility comes from, I really have no idea,” said Teresa Akers, after an anti-masker, and most likely anti-vaxxer, who was arrested for arson (“Suspect in Valley arsons angry over face masks,” Sept. 10).

It’s clear where the anger comes from, the core originates with the Republican Party which has decided that killing its own constituents somehow makes a positive political point. Its leadership has been in almost lock-step in telling the GOP base that masks and vaccines are a danger while fish tank cleaner and horse-dewormer are the real solutions.

An article recently showed that it costs the taxpayer about $20 for each vaccine and over $20,000 for the average hospitalization, much of it picked up by the taxpayer. Over 95% of the hospitalized are unvaccinated. Yet, in addition to the anger and arson, the Republican core will still continue to claim they’re also fiscal conservatives.

There is no excuse for not getting vaccinated. Just ask George Washington, who required his troops to get vaccinated.

David Teich

Spokane Valley

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