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Back in the same boat

Call me callous — I really don’t care — but at this point in the pandemic, I am blaming the unvaccinated and anti- vaxxers for the predicament our state has once again found us in.

These people have various reasons for ignoring the advice of scientists; many say “I am healthy” or “I don’t like the government intrusion.” You don’t cry intrusion when you get your welfare, food stamps or Social Security check. I want to call it nothing but being selfish, and not caring about your neighbors, family and all citizens of this country.

You must like having to wear a mask again indoors, having to have periodic COVID tests, and God forbid ending up in an ICU unit. Myself, that would be the last place I would ever want to be: having my dignity stripped, being on a ventilator, and being hooked up to all kinds of wires, and other drugs pumped into your body in hopes that you will live, when it could have been preventable? No thank you.

I read the other day that it costs the government $40 to buy the vaccine. If you should end up in an ICU, if insured your bill will average $111,000; uninsured $115,000. A funeral averages around $7,000. Pick your poison!

I don’t understand people, but even good friends and family who won’t get the shot, my empathy has run out for you. If you should get sick, I’ll say TOO BAD!

Barb Beck


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