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Losing our compassion

Numerical statistics available on the internet or through media vary daily. Unemployment has improved but obviously not enough. Everywhere are “help needed” signs and vital positions in the health industry alter the standards of care. We are experiencing as never before shortages from computer chips to food.

The causes are described for us in the media: results of the pandemic variant causing death of those in the workforce, fears of contracting COVID on the job, some making more on government aid than on working, lack of child care, and the list goes on.

The gradual retirement of Baby Boomers (those born 1946 -1964) and the increased elderly population alters the number available to work. One statistic seldom considered is the number of abortions since Roe v. Wade passed (62 million). That’s 48 years of legal destruction of the population of potential workers.

As Americans, we often deplete or misuse our resources haphazardly with little regard for the environment. Our greatest resource — human life — is disrespected and devalued. Perhaps each of us need to analyze our moral compass where self-centeredness draws the magnetized needle away from compassion.

Millie Hynes


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