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Letters for Dec. 14, 2022

Just in time

Just in time for Christmas, most of the guestimated 240,000 undocumented immigrants (aka: illegal aliens) in Washington will receive a minimum of $1,000 thanks to the generosity of the Washington state Legislature. The little publicized Washington COVID-19 Relief Fund authorizes the spending of $340 million to undocumented aliens over 18 who live in the state, have been adversely affected by the pandemic (who hasn’t?) and have not received prior stimulus money. Immigrant organizations will be overseeing the program without any oversight from the state or anyone else until the money is gone (a perfect storm for fraud).

The Legislature and immigrant organizations say that the undocumented immigrants deserve the money because they were ineligible for prior federal stimulus or relief programs. At the federal level, Congress decided that illegal immigrants should not receive stimulus funds or extended unemployment benefits because they are in the country illegally and we should not reward illegal activity.

No matter what your viewpoint is on undocumented immigration, it doesn’t make sense that one hand spends billions trying to secure the southern border (and failing miserably) while the other hand incentivizes illegal immigration by handing out relief funds for Christmas. Do you think Mexico or any other country south of the border passes out $1,000 checks to their illegal aliens?

There are plenty of people living in this state legally who were adversely affected the pandemic (and by illegal immigrants under bidding the job) who could dearly use a $1,000 check for Christmas. Just saying …

Terry Neumann

Spokane Valley

Shame on the RNC

The midterms ended and the small sigh of relief we had turned a corner on the conspiracy theory gang and election deniers. Maybe voters woke up to the assault on democracy at the hands of radical Republicans and voted accordingly. It’s a wonderful thought but nothing much has changed. The Mar-a-Lago “village idiot” had the audacity to declare intentions to run for president in 2024. The sad part is those idiot supporters are still there. Every atrocious thing Trump has done in the past six years —including criminal actions — doesn’t make a difference. He lies easier than he breathes. Yes, a few of his minions got the boot but enough others won.

Many were hopeful to see our elected Congress, regardless of party, start working together to represent all Americans without the rancor and ugly bickering. Make no mistake, the Republican Party shoulders the majority of the blame. Republicans are drooling about the take over in the House and want to start an investigation on Hunter Biden! Is that what we have to look forward to, the same old ridiculous crap?

Think for a moment, why is it Republican candidates are the ones who espouse the crazy theories and lies, won’t concede elections they lost regardless of the facts. The RNC must let go of their leader, Trump, or we will never politically recover and our country will suffer. Shame on the RNC letting Trump be their torch bearer who endorsed unqualified, incompetent candidates this midterm.

Chris Powell


Climate change

When I was stationed in Germany I enjoyed visiting the beautiful country of the Netherlands, commonly known as Holland. Everyone knows that most of the landmass of Holland is at or below sea level, thus the need for an elaborate system of sea walls.

In recent years, Holland has spent the equivalent of $2.3 billion on bolstering their sea wall system to deal with the rise in sea level caused and anticipated by climate change.

People who truly believe that climate change is a hoax have a moral duty to contact the Dutch government to encourage them to stop wasting money on raising their sea wall system and spend the money on more important matters like raising tulips.

Mike Moore

Liberty Lake


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