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Letters for Feb. 21, 2022

We could have better public officials

It is this simple. We can’t afford them anymore.

Local officials who may label themselves as “conservative” spend too much money for policies and practices that ignore evidence of better outcomes that develop from more humane approaches to our community members.

Commissioner Al French, Prosecutor Larry Haskell, Mayor Nadine Woodward: It’s time to join Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich in retirement.

Expensive and unnecessary military tanks for local law enforcement.

Costly repairs to the Convention Center for a mere two weeks’ relief from frigid winter (by contrast, check out Quixote Village in Olympia).

Chaos in public health decision-making in the midst of a pandemic.

Squandering MacArthur Foundation Grant funds for Supported Release, an evidence-based approach. Loss of the talented leadership of Maggie Yates.

A cruel fence; sharp, ugly rocks.

We can do better; follow the platform for change which has garnered deep community support.

Mary Ann Murphy


Article on immigration reform

I want to commend Orion Donovan-Smith on his comprehensive and well-written article on Washington Congressional Representative Dan Newhouse’s proposed bill on immigration reform. There was nary a criticism, a partisan bent or insinuation, nor snide remark about Republicans, Democrats or Donald Trump. This is the way journalists should report the news.

It’s unfortunate that not all S-R journalists report like Donovan-Smith did, and is the single reason we will not be renewing our subscription to The Spokesman-Review. I want to read the news without being able to determine the writer’s political leanings, which always – ALWAYS – clouds the facts. Perhaps one day the S-R will figure out that this is what their readers want.

Martha Fleming


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