Letters for July 21, 2023
American gun laws are an embarrassment
Thank you, Dave Greegor, for your guest opinion on July 9. Our collective obsession with assault weapons is over the top. When 63% of Americans are dissatisfied with our gun laws, it is time to take action, yet our neighbor state has turned a deaf ear to his constituents. It is absolutely horrifying that children are murdered, and no yet action is taken about the regard for human life.
Our founding fathers had no idea that a rifle, such as an AR-15, could kill so many in seconds, would ever exist. They would be horrified to see videos such as we see weekly. Lip service is paid to respect for life, but our laws speak otherwise. American laws about gun control have become an embarrassment to the world.
I respect those who speak the truth about this issue and hope constituents in Idaho contact senators Jim Risch and Mike Crapo. Laws can be changed, as can the Constitution. They are called amendments, and have passed before. I am hopeful it can happen again.
Thank you, Mr. Greegor, for writing.
Bev Schaefer
Vote Klitzke for City Council
Like most folks in Spokane, I think we need to transform our approach to issues like building affordable housing, promoting local businesses, and supporting community and environmental health. That’s why I’m asking you to vote for Kitty Klitzke for City Council, District 2.
Kitty is a forward thinker with the experience to respond to the difficult issues we face today while also planning for Spokane’s future. As a life-long Spokane resident who grew up in Hillyard and lives in West Central, she understands this city to its core. As a veteran and an organizer who worked on the Yes on Buses Initiative and updating our city’s Shoreline Plan, she knows how to bring people with different views together and listen, and perhaps most important, to incorporate diverse perspectives to make a better plan.
I’m tired of people saying they will “solve” our problems without showing how. Kitty will not promise easy solutions because she understands it’s taken us years to get here. Change is a long, often tedious process, but Kitty knows how to work with people to get it done. It’s analyzing data, researching, listening to community stakeholders, assessing risk, budgeting, and executing a plan. She’s done it before, and she’ll do it for Spokane as our councilmember.
We need councilmembers who are strategic, experienced, qualified, and tireless; that is Kitty. Please vote for the most capable person on your ballot, Kitty Klitzke. Thank you.
Katy Sheehan