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Letters for July 24, 2024

Conroy should be choice for independents

Independents choose candidates based on their qualifications, abilities and leadership, not their party. I respectfully invite my fellow 5th District independents to join me in voting for Carmela Conroy for Congress.

Conroy grew up in a blue-collar, Spokane Valley family. She put herself through college and law school and after graduation became a Spokane County deputy prosecutor. Four years later, she joined the U.S. Foreign Service where she eventually became a consul general and served as a diplomat in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Japan, New Zealand and Norway. In that capacity, she earned seven U.S. Department of State Superior or Meritorious Honor Awards. Along the way, she obtained a master’s degree in national security studies from the U.S. Naval War College and graduated with high distinction (top 5%).

Very simply, none of the other 5th District candidates has this breadth of fortitude and proven experience. Further, no one can possibly claim that our divided Congress would not benefit from the skills and equanimity of a seasoned diplomat. Conroy has stepped up to serve us. I entreat you not to waste this opportunity.

Greg Johnson


Vote for Kohlmeier

I would like to take this opportunity to endorse Pam Kohlmeier for her candidacy for the state of Washington House of Representatives Position 2 in the 9th Legislative District.

Dr. Kohlmeier is a dually licensed physician and attorney in the state of Washington with many years of experience delivering health care and advocating for patients.

Born and raised in a rural community in the Midwest, Dr. Kohlmeier witnessed the tragedy of the lack of access to medical care in rural areas. Dr. Kohlmeier, at the age of 15, experienced the death of her mother from a medical condition which was attributed to lack of access to medical care. Her family is not the only family to suffer the heartbreak of the lack of medical care in rural areas.

Kohlmeier then chose to become a physician and participated in a rural medicine rotation to experience the challenges and the heroics of health care providers in this area. She and her family moved to Spokane, where she demonstrated her commitment to delivering care as an emergency room physician for a large local hospital.

She continues to serve her community by serving on the board of trustees for St. George’s School, most recently as the board chair, the board for National Alliance on Mental Illness Spokane and previously served on the board of Partners with Family and Children.

Dr. Kohlmeier has demonstrated her willingness to serve her community’s health care needs. Join me in voting for Dr. Pam Kohlmeier.

Robert Paull


Baumgartner doesn’t exaggerate his claims

Michael Baumgartner claimed in his new TV ad that he helped fully fund the North-South freeway and brought a new medical school for Washington State University.

Some doubted what was expressed by Baumgartner, with a viewer even requesting that journalists fact check these claims. This resulted in KXLY recently running a segment to find out if such claims were true. After extensive research into his tenure within the state Senate, they verified the authenticity of such claims. Baumgartner, with the help of others in his effort, truly did help bring results for Eastern Washington. Not only that, he doesn’t exaggerate his claims, nor is he dishonest about his accomplishments. He simply tells it as it is, and that’s why I like Baumgartner. He’ll deliver the kind of results, through working together and determination, in Congress.

Tom Barnhart


Saaris will authentically listen, lead

It is time for a new state superintendent of public instruction – one who has the confidence of so many local school leaders. Someone unbeholden to special interests that are responsible for this post-McLeary basic education funding mess – school closures, layoffs, program cuts and district insolvencies. Our students, families and taxpayers deserve better.

Reid Saaris has spent his career in public education, helping principals and superintendents around the country close gaps and solve tough challenges. There is no magic formula. Saaris will authentically listen and lead from an informed front-line perspective. Local school leaders know that Saaris has what it takes to move us forward.

David Marken


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