Letters for March 8, 2024
Wilson Elementary made ‘unthinking’ mistake
I want to commend Wilson Elementary for celebrating music and introducing Wilson students to jazz. I also want to commend both Wilson and the school district for quickly recognizing a problem and moving to correct it.
Suggesting that students dress up as slaves was silly and unthinking, more likely evidence of America’s amnesia regarding its history than evidence of racism or insensitivity that require a “full investigation.”
Silly for Black students who would likely be appalled at the thought of dressing like slaves and re-enacting a painful and degrading part of Black experience in America. Silly, too, for white students. If they really knew their history, they couldn’t imagine dressing like slaves. But white students are often not taught their history and so do not comprehend the horrors of slavery – the kidnapping and abduction of whole peoples, harrowing transport to a strange far-away land, separation and destruction of Black families and culture, centuries of bondage and humiliation.
When people are unthinking, the solution is not to call them racists and insensitive. We are all unthinking at times. All of us can learn from what happened at Wilson. We can overcome America’s amnesia. We can learn to celebrate our history and we can teach it – all of it – to our children.
Tim Gallagher
Timing seems appropriate
The Spokane Valley investigation of council member Al Merkel seems appropriate to this contemplative Lenten season. What happens after the voters shout, “Give us Barabbas?” The choice could not have been more stark. Quiet, dependable Arne Woodard verses a flamethrower.
Edward Sawatzki
Spokane Valley