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Letters for May 23, 2024

Blocking off seating on Monroe Street bridge

Bravo to Councilman Michael Cathcart for initiating action to block usage of the benches located in the alcoves of Monroe Street Bridge. I normally walk over the bridge at least twice on my daily walks and have had to step around people and animals congregating in the alcoves, witnessed drug usage, public urination (not to mention the smell), altercations and being solicited for money and cigarettes. I have spoken with several people that avoid the pedestrian walkways on the Monroe Street bridge in fear of being hassled or injured. It feels much safer crossing the bridge since the installation of the slanted steel panels over the benches. Well done!

Dan Easley


Nimby nest

By placing a yearlong moratorium in Latah Valley, the City Council just kicked the can down the road and further delayed badly needed infrastructure improvements as there is no money to complete these projects.

Working with developers the city had an opportunity to create collaborative financing systems to fund infrastructure improvement.

Now the developers will just go elsewhere.

How about renaming Eagle Ridge to Nimby Nest?

Jim Fontana


Address the symptom not the problem

Why have we become a society of leaders that addresses the symptom and not the problem?

Why did Spokane Public Schools spend $100,000 to install vape detectors in the schools rather than addressing the kids that are vaping on school property? And then ask for more funding because ends don’t meet.

Why did the city of Spokane spend $50,000 on graffiti proof paint and metal for the Monroe Street bridge rather than addressing the problem. The drug addicts that sleep there every night and cause the damage. Why is the city of Spokane taking revenue it desperately needs because of a supposed budget deficit to paint crosswalks?

Businesses do not operate in this fashion, or they would all be out of business. When push comes to shove the prudent business owner takes care of needs before wants. Before asking an already strapped citizen to open their wallet and give what they don’t have I would suggest anyone asking for more money take care of the problem first and not the symptom.

Robert Wester


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