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Letters for Oct. 8, 2024

Judge Fennessy does not deserve your vote

Judge Fennessy ruled in my easement interference case that my Social Security number, my date of birth, my place of birth and my mother’s maiden name may lead to information admissible at trial. He recognized this as being privileged information but did not consider it protected. He ruled that providing this to the opposing party is supported by his understanding of the law. His decision allowed my identity to be taken in violation of court rules.

In 2022, Judge Fennessy also failed to enter a timely decision in my case. Article IV, Section 20 of the Washington Constitution and RCW 2.08.240 requires a superior court judge to enter his/her decision within 90 days. It has been over two years for me and no decision yet. Judge Fennessy has done this to others. In 2018 Judge Fennessy was sanctioned by the Commission of Judicial Conduct for depriving litigants of timely justice and failing the core function of a judicial officer.

Contemplate before you vote. If you ever end up before Judge Fennessy for any reason, even when it is out of your control, your Social Security number, date of birth, place of birth and mother’s maiden name would be given to the opposing party. Judge Fennessy does not deserve your vote.

Allan Margitan

Nine Mile Falls

Give children a chance, vote no for I-2109

I am a mother of three, two of whom are twins and were born 10 weeks early. Because of their prematurity, they are developmentally disabled and have been in occupational therapy since they came home from the hospital.

They began attending an Early Head Start program at 8 months old, and due to the dedication from their teachers, therapists and family members, as of Sept. 10 they have been discharged from OT.

Initiative 2109 calls to repeal the capital gains tax that only affects the top 0.2% of Washington’s population. Retirement accounts, farms, family businesses and real estate are extreme from the capital gains tax and are therefore not affected by it. This tax is only applicable to the near 4,000 mega-millionaires in Washington, many of which live in King County.

In removing the capital gains tax, the state will lose more than $2.2 billion over a five-year period. These are funds that are dedicated to paying for vital child care, educational and early learning programs, like the one supporting my family.

Without the early childhood education program my girls would not have excelled, in the same way. The funds from the capital gains tax are what pay for all children to be given a chance to gain equal footing in life.

I am voting “no” on Initiative 2109, I ask that you do too.

Ashly Hyatt


Vote for Polin and her passion for justice

I have worked with Judge Marla Polin for the last two years. I have witnessed her work ethic and dedication to the job. Her prior experience doing complex civil litigation and presiding over trials as a judge has made her invaluable to the Superior Court. She has a passion for justice. Raising three children with her husband in our Spokane community pushes her to be the best example for them. Join me in voting for Judge Marla Polin.

Annette Plese

Spokane Valley

Ashamed of I-2117 vote

At the Oct. 1 Liberty Lake City Council meeting, a resolution was passed endorsing I-2117.

I want to make it clear that I did not vote for this. It passed by a 4-3 vote. It’s my opinion that state initiatives and political races should be decided by the voters. Does anyone care that four people on a city council think it’s a good idea? It’s not a good idea, and I’m ashamed by this council vote. Vote “no” on I-2117 for a clean, green Washington.

Linda Ball

Liberty Lake

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