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The Slice: Now that’s a good tire

Not sure if ducking under the desk would have helped.
 (The Spokesman-Review)

A friend made a puzzling discovery while reading the newspaper Thursday morning. “It appears that if you just don’t have the energy to gripe, all you need to do is buy a set of tires,” she wrote.

Let me explain.

A prominent advertisement from a Spokane tire dealership mentioned “tire siping,” small incisions that are thought to improve traction.

The ad said siping provides additional “griping power.”

To add emphasis, those two words were inside quote marks in the ad.

“Griping power.”

Now, in all likelihood, the intention was to say “gripping power.” But the misspelling amused my correspondent. “Had I only known all I needed to do was buy a set of tires when I was too tired to gripe,” she wrote.

Who knows, though. Winter driving was one of the ad’s themes. And we all know how much fun it is to maneuver a car on snow and ice. So maybe “gripe” is what the tire dealer really did have in mind.

Just how siping would help in that regard isn’t immediately clear to me. But maybe you need to visit the tire store to get the whole story.

So go ahead and tell the guy behind the counter that you’re shopping for some tires that will help you gripe about cold-weather driving.

“I’m not messing around this winter,” you can tell the tire guy. “I want something that will really let me fuss and fume about road conditions and other drivers. I need real griping power.”

I’m sure the dealer will be able to help.

Tell him The Slice sent you.

“Slice reader John Erp wonders: What’s your favorite baseball cliché?

His is “Hit it where they ain’t.”

“Feline wake-up calls (Part 4): “Our silver-shaded Persian, Miss Priss, employs some of the previously mentioned methods, such as gently patting us with her declawed paw,” wrote Dennis and Stacey Schneider. “But the one guaranteed to wake us up is when she tickles our faces with her whiskers. And a whisker up the nostril works every time.”

“Remembering October, 1962: Ken Stout was 12. “I was sure we were going to nuclear war with the Soviets,” he said.

Those “What to do in case of a bomb blast” drills at school did little to ease his mind.

“Slice answers: Among the clerics saluted by readers for consistently presenting thought-provoking sermons were Mark Randall of Central United Methodist, Nell Taboloff of Chewelah United Church of Christ, Scott Starbuck of Manito Presbyterian, Jerry Malone of Cheney Community Church, Kristine Zakarison of Community Congregational United Church of Christ in Pullman, Don Gilmore of Plymouth Congregational Church, Willard McCain of Grace Harvest Fellowship and Jim Johnson at St. Luke’s Lutheran.

“Today’s Slice question: What Inland Northwest street or roadway is home to the most squirrel carnage?

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