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No CEO worth that much

The Spokesman-Review

In response to Becky Kramer’s March 25 article on Avista’s CEO Scott Morris: Balderdash! We’re asked to believe Morris deserves his $2.2 million CEO income. The president of the United States only earns $400,000 plus expenses.

Avista has an unfair monopoly and needs to be taken apart like the phone companies were. I want to use Bonneville Power, not Avista, as my power provider. Since they are all grid tied as were the phone companies, I think that’s fair and doable.

I’m tired of the fat cats growing ever richer, while my neighbors struggle to pay their bills. It’s time for another tea party. Let’s throw Avista off the island so they have the incentive to better serve the public rather than themselves. A good viable performance benchmark would be Avista providing an affordable solar kit that a divorced mother of two or retired couple can take home, assemble and use.

Unless this change of emphasis happens, I would like Scott Morris and his cronies to saddle up and ride off after high pay elsewhere. Let Avista find a competent CEO who cares about serving the public more than lining his own pockets.

Keith Bundy


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