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Vote yes for kids’ sakes

The Spokesman-Review

On April 21 we go to the polls to shore up the very foundation of our democracy – public education. Though many squabble about dollars spent here, dollars spent there, or dollars not spent, these dollars are meant for kids. Kids who excel in sports, kids who are voracious readers, kids who are musicians, kids who are mathematicians, kids who are artists, kids who are authors, kids who are struggling and kids who are geniuses. This levy ensures all these kids are academically supported, challenged and inspired.

Hence, I am writing to urge everyone to vote yes on the upcoming supplemental levy. This is a replacement levy that is $1 million less than the previous levy, a levy that won’t increase your taxes, and a levy that funds 14 percent of our school budget. There are forums to disagree, but now it is fundamentally important for everyone to support students and pass this levy.

Vern Harvey

Coeur d’Alene

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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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