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Palin was a target

The Spokesman-Review

In response to John Frostad’s July 24 letter about Sarah Palin, I would just like to point out that most candidates are not confronted with the amount of malicious attacks Sarah Palin endured.

I am sure she was prepared for attacks, but with the liberal media involved she was inundated with more than her share because obviously she scares them. An attractive woman with brains and morals, oh my! We can’t have that in Washington.

She didn’t ask for 18-plus frivolous ethics complaints (all but four have been resolved) to be filed against her whose only motive was to bankrupt her. (No one complains when Obama campaigns while being paid his salary and now takes the wife and kids on vacation on our taxpayer money.)

As far as attacks on Trig, Sarah’s son, yes, there have been: Sean Erik Nelson, a journalist (I use the term loosely) from the Huffington Post, and I won’t repeat what he said; if you want to see it look it up for yourself.

As far as your comment to all you “male GOP supporters and representatives,” I would hope they take offense that you assume they can’t look past her appearance and make a judgment on whether to support her or not.

Julie Lee


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