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Reject Envision

The Spokesman-Review

Despite some media claims to the contrary, these are difficult economic times and people are struggling. The city of Spokane faces a possible $7 million dollar shortfall in 2010 as things stand – and this could be higher. The only way to cover these costs, without raising taxes, is to reduce the size and scope of our city government. It is certainly not time for voters to pass a measure that would secure financial disaster: Envision Spokane.

Instead of limiting city responsibility to road maintenance and public safety issues, the city would have to find more funds to establish a new preventive health care program and establish new regulations for construction projects and pay for their enforcement.

Further, the city would be subject to countless expensive lawsuits every time some insect or critter could be threatened. Effectively, all development could be stopped.

We already have a Bill of Rights in our Constitution, which should be upheld. This misnamed “bill of rights” protects none of your rights. It would doom Spokane’s financial future. Envision Spokane does not follow a one-subject rule/title and should not be on the ballot. It should be rejected.

Janice M. Moerschel


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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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