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Democrats are wimping out

The Spokesman-Review

Have the Democratic senators and House members turned into a bunch of wimps? For my 52 years as a registered voter, I have more often than not voted for Democratic candidates, primarily because of my commitment to social justice.

My guiding principle as a voter are the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt: “The test of our greatness is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.”

I voted for Barack Obama because I felt he was committed to those same principles. I still believe he is, but he is fighting an uphill battle from those who have traditionally fought against public health care as well as other programs that help “those who have too little.”

Now some of his fellow Dems are turning wimpy. What happened to courage, a willingness to stand up for your constituents? Are town hall meetings, with rude, loud shouting “aginners” scaring you?

In 1776, a bunch of common men were willing to stand up for a government with fair representation. Can’t our elected Democrats muster the courage to fight for a national health program? They did for Medicare!

Mary Day Shepard

Spokane Valley

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