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Entrust reform to citizens

The Spokesman-Review

As an American, mother, grandmother, retiree, Independent, I am appalled and ashamed at our behavior during the process of health care reform.

Both conservative and liberal media distort facts, disrespect those who disagree. Citizens are immersed in fear and alarming anger, rather than address the need of our citizens, our nation.

Read Amy Goodman’s column that mentioned a free medical clinic in Virginia (“Dark side of health insurance,” July 17).

People waited overnight to get care. Some offered their place in line for others, believing the other’s need was greater.

I witnessed 126 new citizens from 41 countries who took citizenship oaths in Tukwila, Wash., on Aug. 11.

Representatives from both groups demonstrated the best qualities of Americans, the high ideals of the Constitution. I trust these diverse groups to take up the task of health care reform with more success than I see in the rest of us.

Need more ideas? Two books are essential. “The Opposable Mind” offers a model for holding opposing ideas, working on issues, coming to possibilities and solutions. “Healing America” explores medical models from other countries.

Respect, listen and engage in the future of all our children, all of our nation. Health care for all is doable now.

Elaine Tyrie


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