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Make room for students

The Spokesman-Review

I encourage voters to support the Cheney School District bond. Cheney is a wonderful place to raise children, and having quality school facilities plays an important role in continuing academic excellence.

I am proud that Sunset Elementary School just received one of four Apple Awards given out in the state of Washington for outstanding academic improvement.

I am proud to have my children attend Cheney Middle School where they are given many opportunities to grow in their academics, physical fitness and creative arts.

I look forward to my children attending Cheney High School where academic and extracurricular excellence are encouraged and recognized throughout the state.

What I am not excited about is how crowded our schools are becoming. The students in Cheney Middle School are housed in a building meant for about 700 students – there are more than 900 middle school students in attendance. All elementary schools are nearing capacity and soon this growth will hit the high school.

I urge you to support the Cheney School District bond. We need to do this for our children – for our future.

Jane Smedley


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