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It’s showtime for terrorists

The Spokesman-Review

The proposed show trial for the Sept. 11 terrorists in New York City is a monumental error in judgment by the Obama administration.

This event has no upside except perhaps placating the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. The downside is appalling with the worst case scenario of these mass murderers walking away with their lives.

The “showcase trial” will not have the desired effect on the world watching us. The judicial process will take years to exhaust mandatory appeals that the system will require, as we attempt to prosecute “hybrid criminals.”

The stage we set in New York City will raise the bar for potential terrorists of the future. What better publicity! New York City could be a magnet for further terrorist activity during the trial that unnecessarily brings further risk to one of the most populated regions in the world.

These war criminals represent al-Qaida and demand exceptional parameters in prosecution. Did we offer World War I and II war criminals normal judicial processes? The answer, obviously, NO. These terror merchants are war criminals and should be treated accordingly.

John M. Hardin


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