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Knee too quick to jerk

The Spokesman-Review

Whether I agree or disagree with Doug Clark’s moronic humor, I would have tough skin to accept it for what it’s worth. Humor with a message.

However, having the Department of Ecology regional communications manager respond (Letters, Nov. 29) shows the true nature of DOE.

Spokane is spending millions of dollars reducing the levels of phosphates in the Spokane River. Why? What will be the end results? Less algae bloom that can be “potentially” harmful to animals or humans.

Do we really address the real causes? Algae only really forms in stagnant or slow-moving water.

If we wanted to stop algae growth we would remove the dams and eliminate Long Lake. Does that sound like a viable solution/choice? We should address the explosion of development in the Spokane Valley and Rathdrum/Post Falls area. I don’t read of some great idea of banning development to stop algae bloom. Spokane County has a phosphate-lowering soap ban, but across a human-created border there are no restrictions? That’s effective.

Newspapers and writers are not the problem; it’s state agencies that have god-like complexes and thin skins. What the response shows is the shallowness of their decisions and pettiness when people disagree.

Chip Magnuson


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