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The trick is on us

The Spokesman-Review

Ann Echegoyen (Letters, Dec. 1) uses almost 10 paragraphs to establish her case that people like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck are “modern-day tricksters” – devoid of the second component necessary to meet her definition of the value of such characters: teaching.

On the contrary, I’d suggest that they are meeting that requirement by teaching millions of Americans of the trickery (to use her term) being played on them by the current Congress and president. Beck, Palin, Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and their ilk may annoy Ann, but they don’t have the power to do anything TO her. And the current administration and Congress are planning to do something TO her.

I suggest that she carefully read the column by Cal Thomas that was printed above her letter, or one recently written by Fouad Ajami in the Wall Street Journal, if she really wants to know the plans of the people who really can do something to her. And they will, if the teaching by those who she demeaned is silenced by those in power in Washington.

Keith LaMotte


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