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Freedom under attack

The Spokesman-Review

There is another piece of legislation going through Congress that they obviously haven’t read, the Cap and Trade Act, HR 2454. It’s a climate change bill that is meant to cut greenhouse gas emissions while creating a bunch of “green jobs.” This bill will ruin our already weak economy.

One year after enactment, you won’t be able to sell your home unless you retrofit it to comply with their standards. If it passes, it will be the largest tax increase anyone has ever experienced. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that in just a few years the average cost to a family of four could be as much as $6,800 per year. The costs associated with this are going to decimate the middle classes that are barely making it as it is.

All of our rights and freedoms are slowly being taken away while we sit in front of the TV and pretend that there is nothing wrong. We are all going to wake up one day and realize we don’t own anything and all of our paychecks are signed over to the government. Is this the reality in which we want our children to grow up in?

Michelle Dorgan

Spokane Valley

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