Deprivation is a weapon
Why are all Democratic government programs and regulations designed to hold everyday people down? They require that you stay below a certain income level and the government will take care of you, just barely.
If you are retired and on Social Security you can’t make extra money or it will be taken away. If you are a welfare mom and get a job you may lose your child care and health care. If, God forbid, you become wealthy then they will tax away your prosperity. If you decide you want to enjoy life, the liberals are now blaming you for killing the planet.
Give me a break! Why wasn’t a huge deal made about the “environmental impact” caused by all the elites going to Copenhagen to discuss what they can do to limit the peasants’ freedoms in order to save the world? These arrogant, smug, mostly rich because of investing “greenly” elites just want to legislate their own prosperity while limiting yours. What would happen to General Electric, Al Gore and even Avista if “cap and trade” fails to happen? How many combined billions would they lose? Follow the money, people.
The greatest thing standing in the left’s way is personal wealth and American freedoms.
Rob Leach