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Proposals too far to the left

The Spokesman-Review

Regarding Envision Spokane: What are these people drinking or inhaling? Do they even live in the same world as the rest of us?

What a bunch of Marxist/communist/socialist tripe! These proposals wouldn’t even fly in Portland or Seattle, let alone Moscow, Havana or Venezuela. Do they have any idea what their inane ideas would cost?

If they are so proud of this diatribe, why aren’t the names of anybody supporting this published? With the exception of three officers and a project director, no other involved individuals are brave enough (or foolish enough) to put their names on the organization’s Web site.

The editorial board is absolutely right when they say that “the genius of America is that it provides opportunities – not guarantees.” Please use your bully pulpit to expose this nefarious group, its goals and those who support it. Spokane is not now, and never will be, ready for such nonsense.

Frank R. Schoonover


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