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Israel restraint admirable

The Spokesman-Review

Ms. Ninde should do a little research before calling the Israeli government terrorists (Letters, Jan. 3). If nothing else, she should read the column by Charles Krauthammer in the same issue of the paper as her letter.

Six thousand four hundred and sixty-four rockets fired into civilian areas of Israel in the last three years. Israel has shown remarkable restraint but had to meet this attack to protect their citizens.

Hamas has disregarded every cease-fire. They have no regard for innocent human life, including their own. They hide their fighters and weapons among innocents, including women and children, firing rockets into Israel nonstop. Ms. Ninde should ask herself what this country would do if a neighbor country was firing rockets into our cities.

In 2005, the Palestinians blew the Israeli gift of their first sovereign territory, Gaza, by pursuing terrorism instead of building their state as was supposed to be their goal. This gift from Israel was something that none of the Arab nations ever did for the Palestinians.

This war is a terrible thing but maybe if Israel can put Hamas out of business, the peaceful Palestinians can live in harmony with their neighbors. After all, that is all that Israel has ever asked of any of their Arab neighbors.

Gary D. Johnson

Coeur d’Alene

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