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Economy solution up to people

The Spokesman-Review

One of the most important items in the world is money. It can give you almost anything. Our food, clothing, medicine, homes, etc., are our necessities. Money shows up in many ways: dollars, credits, interest, checks, etc. I heard the other day that our government now has an $8.7 trillion deficit. How can we survive a time like the 1929 recession? It’s a problem. Our leaders are searching several ways to find an answer.

I believe that We The People can find the answer to solve the money problem. We are embarking on a new age. All of the people are increasing their intelligence, their knowledge, their understanding, their desire and their realization that our Creator will help us make sure the crazies, the money-hungry and the no-cares are controlled.

Gradually, our very intelligent and wealthy citizens will join our government to help the people who are in need. This joint effort will help the corporations and the workers to balance and develop our needs for a better tomorrow.

Jack Birkland

Coeur d’Alene

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