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Repair job awaits Obama

The Spokesman-Review

We have finally, as a nation, entered the 21st century. Too bad that so many among us won’t see the truth of what we left behind, and more are confused as to what is ahead.

The biggest false meme out there among the apologists for the outgoing regime is that “he kept us safe from terrorists.” Strange that this statement both fails to recognize that every president from Truman to Clinton kept us safe without suppressing the Bill of Rights, and disregards that the greatest intelligence failure in American history and thus the worst terrorist attack in American history took place with the previous president firmly entrenched. On that day, he failed to keep us safe.

“We reject as false the choice between our security and our ideals.” No president in my short life has spoken truer or more beautiful words. We are a nation that used to turn up its collective nose at regimes that torture, spy on their citizens and suppress civil rights. We will be again, with the restoration of the Constitution to full strength. The outgoing president has damaged that document, but he could not kill it. It will be stronger for the ordeal.

Timothy Hamm


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