Single-payer means rationing
Ms. Bollinger’s letter (July 7) inferring that Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers is “misguided” concerning a proposed public health care option lacks a reasonable understanding of this issue and the congresswoman’s position.
Rep. McMorris Rodgers understands that a single-payer public option is really a rationed health care option. She works hard to maintain and expand individual choice and control concerning personal health care decisions.
Our present public option known as Medicare is driving physicians away from internal medicine and general practice, precipitating a crisis particularly in rural America. As a prostate cancer survivor I have experienced the benefits of choice concerning surgeons, treatment and timing. Living in a single-payer country like Canada or Great Britain could have made my experience one of the “health care horror stories” you mentioned.
Ms. Bollinger, I don’t want those options taken away, and Rep. McMorris Rodgers is working for all of Eastern Washington’s residents to promote affordable health care for all of her constituents.
Ed Walther