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Toss three-strikes law

The Spokesman-Review

Whatever happened to good old common sense? Our sense of justice and fair play seem to have disappeared.

While some are getting away with heinous crimes, others have life sentences without the possibility of parole imposed on them for relatively minor crimes because of our mandatory sentencing laws.

Even if there were ever any benefits to mandatory sentencing laws, they do not justify the burden they are causing the taxpayer. Some people are serving bizarre sentences as a result of these laws, which conclude that one size fits all.

Washington’s mandatory “three strikes and you’re out” law guarantees that we support old, infirm, geriatric people until death us do part.

Offending behavior decreases with age while the cost of incarceration doubles and triples.

Our judges are capable of judging and imposing punishment that is warranted in each individual case. Why don’t we let them? These people should be allowed to pay for their offenses realistically and subsequently returned to their families to become taxpaying citizens.

Shirley White


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