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Now it’s the left’s turn

The Spokesman-Review

So, Charles Bowman is “highly offended” by a political cartoon on an editorial page of a newspaper (Letters, June 13). I read his first paragraph about disrespecting the president and “bashing everything he does,” then I read the next paragraphs where he bashes President Bush for ALL the problems of the last eight years.

I am writing this as a right-wing extremist who wonders if Mr. Bowman ever wrote a letter to the editor protesting the “Bush bashers.”

I have news for people of the left: You won, enjoy your victory, live with it, and get used to the people who don’t march in step with your philosophy.

I have to go back to cleaning my gun and thumping my Bible, and I’m still praying for our president and our country and our troops.

Antoinette Acireno


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