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Otto had no chance

The Spokesman-Review

This was not a fight. Otto was mugged!

Everyone saw the video. Otto defensively held up a plastic liter of cola while being struck repeatedly with a nightstick wielded by a policeman. He was placed on his stomach with his hands and feet tied behind his back. A spit mask was put over his face. He later died of cardiac arrest. This because “a man looked suspicious while hovering around an ATM and may be high on something.”

The police are public servants whose job is to protect and serve the people. The two city attorneys’ assertion that Otto should have known he was being detained by police and not resisted is incredulous. Review the tape, city attorneys!

U.S. Attorney Jim McDevitt (investigated) whether or not Otto’s civil rights have been violated. His rights were violated to the point of death. “We the People” have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. My heart aches for Otto and his mother. I believe in “justice for all,” however I am frustrated about the “justified”? actions of some policemen. Where is the justice for Otto?

Sherman Vassar


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