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Reckless spending irreversible

The Spokesman-Review

Unbelievable. I read a quote from President Obama, after signing the stimulus package: “We have to start living within our means again”

What? The federal government will now spend $1.3 trillion; add this up to a total of $13 trillion in debt. This can never, ever be paid off. There will be no Social Security for those of us in our 40s, our 401(k)s are looted, and the final insult is sending stimulus dollars to people who don’t even pay taxes.

Where are the investigations? Where are the panels put together to conduct a “lessons learned” session to try and understand the root causes that created this mess and apply them to policies that will address the issues, instead of mortgaging our future generations with this reckless continued spending?

If I ever, ever hear again that the salaries of those in Congress need raising to attract the “best and brightest,” I think I will get physically sick. Think about this: The state of California has a $42 billion deficit, and the speaker of the House is from California. Thank you for bringing your vast accounting skills to Washington. It’s working pretty well, don’t you think?

Steve Hintyesz

Spokane Valley

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