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Media attack property rights

The Spokesman-Review

Mislabeling is the media’s favorite tactic to marginalize what they oppose. Take the recent nationwide tea parties. Keith Olbermann labeled them as “racist” events because we have a black president and said that the participants hate paying taxes. The real principle behind the movement was private property rights. Do we have the right to keep the fruits of our labor, or should the government have the power to take them and allow us the residual?

We are bailing out corrupt businesses, giving foreign aid, facing astronomically increasing energy costs because of the pseudo-science/religion called “climate change,” and other debts are accumulating on our national credit card.

Someone will have to pay these bills, and there is no way the “rich” are going to pay them all. Sooner rather than later, the “rich” label will be put on you and your children. Is this the legacy we want to leave?

We need to get involved in reversing this insanity, write letters to our senators/congresspeople, and/or support candidates who stand for sustainable economic policy if our current ones won’t.

George Washington stated private property and freedom are inseparable. If we lose this struggle to keep private property, won’t our freedom go with it?

Steven Neill


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