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Neighborhood success slighted

The Spokesman-Review

Saturday morning (May 23), in the article “Neighborhoods show their stuff,” I found no mention of the national second-place winner of the national Neighborhoods USA competition judged in Spokane last week.

The Greater Hillyard Neighborhood (including Hillyard, Whitman, Bemiss and Morgan Acres) was one of 12 finalists nationally. The Greater Hillyard Neighborhood won second place nationally in the complex category of “Multi Neighborhood Project Partnerships.” This category encompasses the other two categories, “Physical Revitalization/Beautification-Single Neighborhood” and “Social Revitalization-Single Neighborhood.” Honored by the Greater Hillyard Neighborhood to present the defense of the nomination to the Neighborhoods USA judging staff was my husband, J.R. Sloan.

The Hillyard Neighborhood Pride Tour hosted 55 delegates, the maximum number allowed, from the Neighborhoods USA Convention. At the dinner, there were approximately 130 people, including a Spokane City Council member, a representative from Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ office, and an appearance by the mayor of Spokane.

Saying I am disappointed at The Spokesman-Review’s lack of coverage of the national award garnered by the Greater Hillyard Neighborhood is a gross understatement. Recognition of the hard work, dedication and superb organizational skills of people in the Greater Hillyard Neighborhood who made this happen should be forthcoming from The Spokesman-Review.

Judyth E. Sloan


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