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School start inconvenient

The Spokesman-Review

I was wondering how many people were affected by the early start of Spokane Public Schools, Aug. 27? How many of us counted on one last trip including Labor Day weekend? None of the calendar choices for this year included beginning after Labor Day. Why not? This year we were limited to only traveling over the three-day weekend.

Our school district has already built five snow days into their schedule, so starting later would not make a difference. These could well be built into a later start date.

I was also wondering about those schools that don’t have air conditioning or where air conditioning is limited. I’m sure this affects the students and teachers when the temperatures are in the 90s with school beginning in August. Isn’t it more costly to run air conditioners? Even the temperature difference between August and September could save dollars.

How about having all the districts within our area meet to discuss a date everyone agrees on, so that all schools start the same day? Many parents have students in more than one district. This would simplify the schedule for everyone and bring unity to our county. I believe it’s time for our schools to try something new.

Sherry L. O’Russa


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