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Sheriff could do more

The Spokesman-Review

While I applaud the decision by Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich and his command staff to forgo cost-of-living raises to help reduce the number of positions on the chopping block, many county employees may wish their potential financial loss would be limited to a cost-of-living raise.

In recent discussions with several high-level county employees, one potential 2010 budget-balancing item frequently mentioned is the very real possibility hundreds of county employees may be required to take two to four days off each month without pay. Should that happen, many employees will forfeit from five to nine weeks’ pay during 2010. I suggest each of those employees would willingly forfeit a cost-of-living raise versus the potential loss of two months-plus pay.

While the sheriff and his command staff have made a magnanimous gesture in forfeiting about $3,500 each, many county employees, who make far less than the sheriff and his staff, may be faced with a loss of pay well beyond $3,500. I would suggest the sheriff and his staff consider taking an additional two to four days off each month without pay, thereby saving even more positions from the chopping block.

Terry A. Hontz


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