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Guild brings out the worst

The Spokesman-Review

So the Police Guild says they have “no confidence” in Chief Kirkpatrick. Well, cry me a river.

I’m sorry, but in my 19 years in Spokane and 43 years in other parts of the U.S. I can’t think of anyplace where the police force is more frightening than Spokane. Too many citizens have been shot or injured here because an officer was too quick to pull a gun as the first response to a perceived confrontation. Shoot first and ask questions later. On duty, off duty, doesn’t matter. Drunk, sober, they’ll get around that. Maybe they’ll just suffocate you and watch you die.

The boys in blue will protect themselves at all costs.

We have good cops and some bad. My problem isn’t the individuals; it’s the whole force as a unit. They’re undermanned and overworked and make me think of the word “dysfunctional.” The attitude is tangibly one of superiority, and “accountability” is an unspeakable word. I think the Police Guild is what’s wrong with our SPD because they support all that’s wrong with the SPD.

My vote says “no confidence” in the Police Guild. Fire them and give Kirkpatrick a raise.

David Bray


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